Saturday 27th July 2024 (CEST)

 Join us

Become a member for the 2024-2025 season which runs from October 2024 to May 2025 and you will enjoy:
•  An excellent programme of 11 monthly lectures, of which 6 will be delivered by The Arts Society accredited lecturers.
• A Member's Talk.
• The Arts Society Magazine (sent by mail by The Arts Society UK)
• Highlights: several short articles on art sent by email by The Arts Society UK
• Become an Expert on ...: regular articles by one of The Arts Society lecturers sent to you by email by The Arts Society UK.
• You will receive a regular E-Newsletter, full of information about the Arts Society Nerja.
You may join: Online, using the form on this page.
Cost: €60 per person
• online, using a credit or debit card as part of the application/renewal process;
• credit/debit card at lecture;
• cash at a lecture;
• bank transfer.

Online Membership Application

Note for season 2023-24 members.
We will be sending you a personalised renewal invitation by email at the end of August/beginning of September.
This email will contain a clickable link that will take you to the special 'renewals' page on the website. This page contains a renewal form that is already populated from the Membership database with the information we have about you.

All you will have to do is check that the information is still correct, change it if necessary, and click on the 'renew' button.

This reduces the work for both you and the Membership Secretary.

We sent you a personalised renewal invitation by email on 28th August.
This email contains a clickable link that takes you to the special 'renewals' page on the website. This page contains a renewal form that is already populated from the Membership database with the information we have about you.

All you have to do is check that the information is still correct, change it if necessary, and click on the 'renew' button.

This reduces the work for both you and the Membership Secretary.

You will still have to pay, of course!

However, if you like filling in forms, read on ...
What to do:
  1. complete the form below
  2. read the Privacy policy
  3. click the apply button.
Please note: a separate application is needed for each person.
Second name*:
First name*:
Last name*:
Title (
eg Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr
Telephone number(s)*:
Email address*:
Confirm email address*:
Postal address:
first line*:

second line:

third line:

town + postal code:*

province/county * :


Do you want to receive our Newsletter?*:
A note about the newsletter. The link to the Zoom page for each lecture is sent by newsletter the day before the lecture.. If you elect not to receive the newsletter, you will not receive the link.
Do you want to receive The Arts Society Magazine?*:
NOTE: Sustainability, high costs for sending, relevance of content for EU (content based on UK), your presence in Spain, problems with the Correos are reasons for preferring a digital version.
If you have already paid, put the receipt number here:
We are always grateful for help from our members. Would you like to join our team of helpers? Perhaps help in the foyer before the lecture,
for example at the ticket desk or Meet&Greet new members? There is also scope for helping with back-office activities such as newsletter, publicity. If you're interested please write a few words in this box, otherwise leave it blank.
Robot check.*
 What is the number in the orange box?  
Immediately below this message is the button (pale green background) which you need to click to make your application.
We have received reports that with some Safari browsers this box does not appear correctly (or not at all) and may not be clickable.
(According to Apple forums, this is a long-standing bug and has been around for over a decade.)
If this happening to you, there are two actions open to you:
a) use another browser
b) report the problem to the webmaster.
* required